Work in progress, more projects will be added…
My Master’s Thesis: Rotation Invariance in Deep Neural Nets for Point Cloud Processing

In my Master’s Thesis, I focussed on point cloud processing architectures.
I developed a set of intuitive benchmarks of robustness to rotations, and evaluated different data augmentation strategies, and a particular rotation-robust deep architecture based on a spherical lattice.
I also proposed and evaluated an extension of that architecture, that helps collect information from the entire point cloud, rather than just near the spherical boundary.
Complexity Theory exercise sheets

In Easter Term 2020, I supervised Complexity Theory and Introduction to Probability at the University of Cambridge.
Here are the exercise sheets I prepared for my students in Complexity Theory
My Bachelor’s Project: 3D Mesh Morphing

My final year project at Cambridge was on mesh morphing — smooth interpolation between two arbitrary genus-0 manifold meshes. I describe the method briefly and show off a generated animation inside this post.
In this post I write about my experience with this very fun boardgame!
Competitive Programming
While I’ve never achieved tremendous success in competitive programming, I’ve had a lot of fun at various competitions, and list some highlights in this short post.