I learned to play chess from my dad at around 7 years old. I was lucky to have good chess classes organised weekly at my primary school, where I could develop my skills. I went to a few tournaments during primary school, culminating in my getting an official national rating of 1400 at a summer…
Author: admin
Competitive Programming
I got into competitive programming during undergrad, having only participated in math competitions before. While I never achieved tremendous success there, I’ve had a lot of fun at various competitions, the highlights being: 8th place at ICPC qualifiers UKIEPC 2017 45th place (top team with 4 problems) at ICPC qualifiers NWERC 2017 in Bath 1426th…
My Bachelor’s Project: 3D Mesh Morphing
In my final year of undergrad, I worked on a Computational Geometry project. I implemented a mesh morpher — a tool that takes two genus-0 manifold 3D meshes and generates a smooth transformation between the two. In short, the algorithm (introduced in this paper by Marc Alexa) worked by blowing up both meshes onto the…
My Master’s Thesis: Rotation Invariance in Deep Neural Nets for Point Cloud Processing
In my Master’s Thesis I focussed on point cloud processing architectures. I developed a set of intuitive benchmarks of robustness to rotations, and evaluated different data augmentation strategies, and a particular rotation-robust deep architecture based on a spherical lattice. I also proposed and evaluated an extension of that architecture, that helps collect information from the entire point cloud, rather than just near the spherical boundary.
Complexity Theory exercise sheets
In Easter Term 2020, I supervised Complexity Theory and Introduction to Probability at the University of Cambridge. Here are the exercise sheets I prepared for Complexity Theory, lectured by the awesome Prof. Anuj Dawar.